Our Claims Department representatives are here to answer questions and resolve issues that providers may have regarding claims. Our Claims Module simplifies the process allowing our providers to save time and money with quick and easy access. Our provider web portal allows the provider’s office to submit their claims electronically, review claims status, claims history and payment online. MLMSO is able to accept various claim forms such as UB-04, CMS-1500, PM160, and Charge Tickets. Our Claims Department is staffed with experienced and knowledgeable personnel so our clients can feel confident that they will be taken care of properly, efficiently and effectively.
- For a listing of the California Medi-Cal Rates, please click here (http://files.medi-cal.ca.gov/pubsdoco/rates/rateshome.asp).
- For a listing of the Medicare Rates, please click here (https://med.noridianmedicare.com/web/jeb/fees-news/fee-schedules).
- For the Medicare Contractor Directory for California, please click here (https://www.cms.gov/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Monitoring-Programs/Medicare-FFS-Compliance-Programs/Review-Contractor-Directory-Interactive-Map/index.html)