General Compliance

General Compliance Obligations
Compliance with laws, rules, regulations and policies applicable to MedLogix MSO requires a high degree of attention to consistent compliance with ethical and legal standards.  MedLogix MSO considers assurance of regulatory compliance to be a responsibility of all employees, representatives, Board members, and Downstream Entities of MedLogix MSO.  Employees representatives, Board members, and Downstream Entities are expected to know MedLogix MSO’s products and to understand corporate policies and the ethical and regulatory standards followed by MedLogix MSO.

MedLogix MSO (MLMSO) is committed to honest, ethical and responsible provider and corporate conduct at all levels. As such, MLMSO shall make available to all parties that does business with or for MLMSO a method of reporting compliance violations or concerns.  Please email concerns to:

MLMSO shall establish an effective 24/7 “Hot Line” program that will allow employees, agents, contract providers and independent contractors to report instances of illegal or unethical conduct. Such program shall ensure that reports may be made without fear of reprisal from supervisors or the corporation. Anonymity of callers to the Hot Line shall be maintained.  Compliance Hot-Line (657) 217-4500 x2911

MLMSO shall establish a dedicated e-mail address that will allow employees, agents, contract providers and independent contractors to report instances of illegal or unethical conduct. While this method may not be anonymous, MLMSO shall ensure that reports may be made without fear of reprisal from supervisors or the corporation.

MLMSO shall comply with notification requirements of Health Plan and/or regulatory agency when appropriate within the required timeframes. Potentially serious non-compliance will be referred to CMS and potentially serious Fraud, Waste, and Abuse related to part C and part D will be referred to the NBI MEDIC.

Please contact us for full access to MedLogix MSO’s Policies & Procedures vis our Compliance SharePoint Site.